Monthly Archives: July 2024

Branding, Rebranding and Art Direction for Voice Actors

You might be relieved to discover the best advertising… isn’t advertising at all. By that I mean the adage, “less is more” applies when it comes to art directing your graphics that will allow you to make your name known and associated with being a professional voice talent with taste and an elevated aesthetic. 

Here are five key elements to consider when offering insight to your graphic artist as to what you’re after when creating your brand logo and identity.

Can You Be a Professional Even if You’re Just Starting Out?

Typically training for the average actor and voice-over are categorizes into one of three camps: beginner, intermediate or advanced. Problem is: nothing in this business is lumped into those categories; you’re either a professional or you’re not, right out of the gate.

Auditioning is a Numbers Game

You build your professional reputation as a voice talent and as an actor by consistently delivering exceptional auditions. Lots and lots and lots of them. Which is why persistence and tenacity serve you so well to succeed in this, or frankly, any business.  

So, how many auditions do you imagine it takes to land a single voiceover job? Five? Ten? Twenty? What’s the average?

The Biggest Misconceptions About Voiceover Demos

Voiceover demos, by definition, are a professional demonstration of what you do best and what you want more of. Yet many well-meaning, even experienced talent fall prey to many of the following misconceptions regarding what should and shouldn’t be included on your voiceover demos.